Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy New Year!

According the Mayans, today is the "last day of duality," with tomorrow being the "the first day of the new consciousness" of the new world! I don't understand how any of this is calculated, of course, but I'm gonna go with it. According to the prophency, our powers as Divine beings to manifest our own reality will be stronger than ever before, and getting stronger every day, towards 2012 and beyond. Here's to beautiful, easy, joyful, magical, love-filled manifesting!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great!

    Terence McKenna believed that the arrangement of the 64 hexagrams in the I Ching oracle encodes a fractal timewave pattern.

    Before learning about the Mayan calendar or predictions of people like Jose Arguelles, he concluded that a singular event of tremendous novelty is likely to occur near the end of 2012.
